Oct 18 2020 Pandemic fast-tracks race to financial inclusion–BSP
IN what appears to be a rare silver lining, the global pandemic has pushed more Filipinos to open bank accounts and do their transactions online, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) governor said in a recent speaking engagement.
Central Bank chief Benjamin Diokno said their goal to increase local financial inclusion by 2023 may have been…
Oct 18 2020 Online lenders barred from harvesting borrowers’ phone and social-media contact list, says Privacy Commission
Lenders operating online apps that can be installed in smartphones are prohibited from harvesting personal information, such as phone and social media contact lists, for harassing delinquent borrowers, the National Privacy Commission (NPC) said in a circular it published today, October 19.
The Commission issued Circular No. 20-01 in response to numerous complaints that online lenders…
Oct 18 2020 Globe makes connectivity easier in midst of COVID19, as KonekTayo School Bus WiFi launches in Manila
Mindful of the importance of connectivity at home as COVID-19 pandemic continues to bring uncertainty in the country that prompted the government to enforce community quarantine and observe strict social distancing, Globe reached out to the underprivileged communities and officially launched the School Bus WiFi program in Manila City today. The kick-off also marks a…
Oct 18 2020 IPOPHL’s Mobiliz app, sets to provide convenience for Filipino entrepreneurs, innovators
Aiming to reach out to more creators and innovators and provide them an easier way to secure their intellectual property (IP) assets, the IP Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) launched Monday, Oct. 19, its very own mobile application it named “IPOPHL Mobiliz.”
“Given that many of us spend most of our time on mobile, this development…
Oct 18 2020 Digitization Initiatives Discussed by the Financial Inclusion Steering Committee
The Financial Inclusion Steering Committee (FISC), chaired by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Benjamin E. Diokno, held its 9th meeting on 06 October 2020 via video conferencing facilities. The FISC meeting, attended by high level representatives from 20 government agencies, is a testament to the whole of government approach being employed to drive financial…